Degree courses offer a comprehensive and in-depth education in the field although some of the theoretical information you may learn may not be functional or applicable in clinic, often like, when driving, knowing how the exhaust works does not make you a better driver. Acupuncture degree programs do often fulfil the needs of students who excel in an academic environment. They also provide a wide range of opportunities for research and scholarly activities. This can be beneficial for those interested in academia or pursuing advanced studies especially research programs. Degrees are monitored and so usually have specific university pass rates making sure student exams are well ratified, however they do often have low pass rates of 40% plus for third class degrees, which some practitioners believe are too low to allow people to be working with clients. Degree programs generally follow a structured curriculum with specific course requirement with a broad range of subjects.
Ultimately, the choice between acupuncture non-degree courses and degree programs depends on an individual’s goals, resources, and career aspirations.To Degree or not to Degree – That is the question.